Japan’s PM visits Cambodia; key China partners meet for in-depth talks

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met Cambodian counterpart, Hun Sen to discuss topics such as trade and infrastructure, as well as Myanmar and Ukraine.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was in Cambodia for talks with his counterpart, Hun Sen, on Sunday to deepen relations with one of the Southeast Asia’s closest partners of both China and Japan.

The two leaders were discussing cooperation covering trade and investment, education, infrastructure, defence and security, and the post-pandemic recovery, Cambodian officials said.

After China, Japan is Cambodia’s largest donor and has funded the construction of bridges across the Mekong River, main roads linking Phnom Penh with provinces, the country’s principal Sihanoukville port as well as upgrading clean water and sewage systems in the capital.

In full: https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/3171184/japans-pm-visits-cambodia-key-china-partners-meet-depth-talks

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