UN probe sought into disappearance of Thai activist

Wanchalearm Satsaksit's abduction on a Phnom Penh street in mid-2020 was captured on CCTV.

Civil society organizations have urged a UN committee to conduct an “independent, transparent and effective investigation” into the disappearance of Thai activist Wanchalearm Satsaksit, who was snatched from a Phnom Penh street in mid-2020.

Wanchalearm was an outspoken critic of the Thai government and the subject of criminal charges. He had initially sought refuge in Laos before fleeing to Cambodia. His abduction was captured on CCTV footage that included witnesses and images of the vehicle used along with its license plate.

General Chhay Kim Khouen, spokesman for Cambodia’s national police, and Khieu Sopheak, spokesman for the Ministry of Interior, initially dismissed the abduction as “fake news.”

In full: https://www.ucanews.com/news/un-probe-sought-into-disappearance-of-thai-activist/96778

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