Former CNRP Members Form New Party, Third Since Its Dissolution

Since the CNRP was dissolved, three new parties have been formed by its former members or their family members. They are the Khmer Will Party, Khmer Conservatism Party and now the Cambodian Nation Love Party.

Former members of the Cambodia National Rescue Party formed a new political entity on Thursday, taking the number of parties formed by the former opposition members following the CNRP’s dissolution to three.

Former CNRP officials Chiv Cata and Kang Kimhak are the co-founders of the party and were previously part of the 118 opposition officials banned following the dissolution of the party in 2017.

The two former CNRP members were given amnesty from the ban last March, during an attempt by the government to create factions in the opposition by allowing members to request a return to political activity.

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