25 Andhra Pradesh youths forced into cybercrimes in Cambodia return home

At least 150 people from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana are said to have been trafficked to Cambodia on the pretext of jobs.

The first batch of youth from Andhra Pradesh rescued by the Indian Embassy from their fraudulent employers in Cambodia returned home safely on May 24 (Friday).


Visakhapatnam Police Commissioner A. Ravi Shankar received the youth at the city airport. The youth were trafficked to Cambodia by middlemen after they were lured with the promises of lucrative jobs in that country.

“On Friday, 25 youths from Andhra Pradesh including a few from Visakhapatnam reached the city on two flights. Another 33 youths hailing from other States also arrived. Nine more youths have approached us and we are waiting for their diplomatic clearance,” said a senior police officer.

In full: https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Visakhapatnam/25-andhra-pradesh-youths-forced-into-cybercrimes-in-cambodia-return-home/article68212663.ece

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