FBI to Hold Terrorism Seminar in Siem Reap

The Interior Ministry will hold a conference on counterterrorism and cybercrime in Siem Reap City later this month alongside members of the U.S. FBI.

The three-day event, which will start June 19, will be presided over by Interior Minister Sar Kheng and involve hundreds of experts from different countries, according to a statement the ministry released on Saturday.

Speakers at the event will include FBI alumni and leaders, along with experts from the U.S. and other countries, the statement said.

“FBI alumni meet annually to exchange experience and build network,” ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak said, according to Fresh News.

The main topic will be transnational crimes, said the ministry statement.

In March, National Police Commissioner Neth Savoeun warned that Cambodia should be prepared for the threat of the Islamic State militant group, after learning that it was going to expand attacks to Asia.

There are 10 Cambodian police officers and armed forces personnel currently undertaking the FBI academy course, according to Fresh News.

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