CNRP Lawyer Files Complaint For Attempted Murder, Damage

CNRP lawmakers Nhay Cham­roeun and Kong Saphea, who were beaten bloody by pro-CPP protesters outside the National Assembly on October 26, filed court complaints Tuesday accusing the protesters of attempted murder, their lawyer said.

“We filed complaints this morning to the Phnom Penh municipal prosecutor for attempted murder and intentional damage [to property] under aggravating circumstances,” Choung Choungy said.

Three soldiers have been arrested for the assault, though the CNRP has called for the arrest of the dozens of protesters who surrounded the lawmakers’ cars during last month’s attack.

The complaints lodged by the lawmakers do not name the alleged attempted murderers, but say only that they are aimed at the protesters, who were demanding the ouster of deputy opposition leader Kem Sokha as vice president of the National Assembly.

“I would like to inform the prosecutor that on October 26, 2015, at 12:15 p.m. when I was leaving the National Assembly, there were many protesters who surrounded my vehicle and beat me, causing me serious injuries and damage to my vehicle,” reads Mr. Chamroeun’s complaint.

“The action of the protesters was an attempt to murder me,” it said.

Deputy court prosecutor Meas Chanpiseth said the court had only charged the three soldiers with intentional violence, and had not ordered further arrests.

“There have been no more arrests yet,” Mr. Chanpiseth said.

Also Tuesday, Mr. Sokha and opposition leader Sam Rainsy met in Tokyo with lawmakers from Japan’s ruling and opposition parties to ask them to ensure that Cambodia’s national election in 2018 is free, according to a post on Mr. Sokha’s Facebook page.

“We raised the key role of Japan in finding a solution for political stability and for the development of Cambodia,” he wrote.

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