Father Arrested Over Murder of 2-Year-Old Son

A man suffering from mental illness was arrested Thursday morning for allegedly beating his 2-year-old son to death with a spade in Kompong Speu province’s Samraong Tong district, police and local officials said.

Soeurng Sorn, 35, allegedly murdered his son at about 4:15 a.m. Thursday under a neighbor’s home, then phoned his wife and told her to arrange a funeral, said Mao Yoeun, chief of Bos Tany village. 

“According to his statement, he was jealous of his wife and thought she had another lover,” Sam Sak, provincial police chief of serious crimes, said Thursday.

Sao Thary, 27, the wife of Mr. Sorn, said he had struggled with mental health problems and had recently been ignoring a doctor’s advice not to drink alcohol.

“About three years ago, he started having bad dreams and would cut his head with a knife,” she said.

Mr. Sak said the suspect would be charged with murder and sent to the provincial court today.

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