Assembly Members Debate Car Insurance Law

Parliamentarians on Friday continued their debate on a draft insurance law, splitting down party lines over who should benefit from any new policies.

Members of opposition Sam Rainsy Party said requiring mot­or­ists to purchase car insurance would benefit large companies and hurt struggling Cambodians.

There already is a “big gap between big companies and individuals,” Sam Rainsy parliament­ar­ian Lon Phon said after the debate Friday. He suggested a government agency should run the insurance business, so as not to offer any company a monopoly.

But other parliamentarians said this would only open the door to corruption. Par­lia­ment­ar­ians in the ruling CPP said too much corruption already occurs when officials take bribes and fail to report incidents that could be protected by a good insurance policy.

The CPP members generally supported making automobile insurance mandatory, saying it will reduce traffic and therefore attract more investors to Cam­bodia. Proposed measures also would encourage the purchase of life and health insurance.


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