When Floods Cross Borders, Satellite Data Can Help

With so many eyes in the sky, residents living downstream from dams now have many ways to see—and prepare for—potential dangers.

On 23 July 2018, a dam in southernmost Laos collapsed, and the resultant flood left more than 6,000 people homeless. The fractures in the dam that led to the disaster were discovered 2 days earlier. Yet the residents who lived downstream—many across the border in Cambodia—didn’t have access to real-time information about the increased risk of flooding. Such floodwaters that cross borders are often termed “transboundary floods” and are more likely to be catastrophic. News such as dam-driven flooding in Laos underscores the urgency of making information on upstream dams in transboundary regions more accessible to citizens of developing nations.

In full: https://eos.org/project-updates/when-floods-cross-borders-satellite-data-can-help

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