Verdict Due Against Khmer Rouge Leaders for Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

The verdict this Friday focuses on charges of crimes against humanity and genocide committed at worksites, cooperatives, security centers and execution sites, including the infamous S-21 prison in Phnom Penh.

Phnom Penh – The Khmer Rouge tribunal is due to announce verdicts on Friday against the two senior surviving regime officials, Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan, for crimes against humanity and genocide committed under the totalitarian regime.

In 2014, the court found Chea, 91, and Samphan, 86, guilty of several charges filed in Case 002/01 and sentenced them to life in prison.

But the verdict this Friday in Case 002/02 focuses on a separate set of charges of crimes against humanity and genocide committed at worksites, cooperatives, security centers and execution sites, including the infamous S-21 prison in Phnom Penh. It also considers crimes against humanity and genocide committed against the Cham and Vietnamese minorities.

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