Activists Wish Death Upon Ex-Municipal Governor

About 50 activists from four communities in Phnom Penh evicted during the 10-year stint of former municipal governor Kep Chuktema held a ceremony near the National Assembly on Wednesday calling on spirits to have him killed.

Mr. Chuktema, who became a CPP lawmaker months after stepping down as governor in 2013, oversaw various mass evictions, including the highly controversial leasing of Boeng Kak lake, which led to thousands of families being forced to move.

Activists shout through a fence surrounding the National Assembly compound during a protest in Phnom Penh on Wednesday. (Brian Leli/The Cambodia Daily)
Activists shout through a fence surrounding the National Assembly compound during a protest in Phnom Penh on Wednesday. (Brian Leli/The Cambodia Daily)

“I curse you. When driving, may your car overturn. When you fly, may your plane crash,” said Boeng Kak resident Sat Pha, burning incense along with other protesters in front of the Chuon Nath statue near parliament.

“We cause you to suffer like what you caused in the past,” said protester Sea Nareth. The group later marched to the National Assembly’s front gate, where they waited until 11 a.m. for CNRP lawmaker Ho Vann to meet them and take their petition.

Mr. Chuktema declined to comment.

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