Phnom Penh Wat Not ‘Hotbed Of Anti-Government Activism’

In the article “Court Summons Chief Monk Over Defamation Complaint” (September 20), we noticed one sentence: “The chief monk at Phnom Penh’s Samakki Raingsey pagoda—a hotbed of anti-government activism—said on Monday that…”

—Letter to the Editor—

We think that writing in this way seems to accuse Wat Samakki Raingsey and all people at this pagoda of participating in activities against the Royal Government of Cambodia.

We would like to state that organizations, associations and Khmer Kampuchea Krom people who are present and conduct activities in Samakki Raingsey pagoda have never thought of or taken any action against the Royal Government of Cambodia.

As stated above, we think The Cambodia Daily’s accusation was perhaps unintentional or lacks consideration. We would like the Daily to erase this accusation if it was done accidently, or clarify the accusation if it was done deliberately.

Moreover, for the sake of transparency for all people who are present and regarding activities in the pagoda, we would like the Daily to interpret or publicly clarify the above accusation.

Sim Vichet
Wat Samakki Raingsey
Steering Committee

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