NGO, Police Search for Missing Homeless Girl

Authorities are looking for a 7-year-old homeless girl who disappeared from Phnom Penh’s riverside on Friday morning, according to an NGO involved in the search.

The girl was last seen by her mother near the corner of Sisowath Quay and Street 136 at around 7 a.m. on Friday, being led away by a teenage boy who had slept with the family on the sidewalk the night before, according to James McCabe, chief of investigations for the Child Protection Unit, a wing of the Cambodian Children’s Fund.

“We’ve had search teams out today—both from the Ministry of Interior and the local police post—looking on both sides of the river,” Mr. McCabe said, adding that his team was “also liaising with the local wats in Phnom Penh’s central business district and speaking to a lot of the existing street children.”

He said police and NGO investigators would continue to interview residents and review security camera footage from local restaurants.

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