Protesters Mistake Princess for PM

A Hun Sen-sized motorcade carrying Thai Princess Chakry Sirindhorn threw hundreds of sign-carrying protesters into a frenzy outside the National Assembly Monday.

The protesters, angry market vendors from Siem Reap province, rushed onto Sothearos Boulevard to welcome the police-led convoy. The premier, they thought, was making a personal appearance to hear their complaints and solve their problem, which started last week when the government ordered their eviction from Phsar Leu.

But despite the many sirens, the dozens of well-dressed uniformed policemen and the long line of Land Cruisers, Mercedes and motorcycles—extending for more than one block—it was not the prime minister.

“We could not guess whether the Thai princess was feeling afraid,” said one protester. “When she saw the vendors yelling and holding posters, it must have been very funny for her inside the car.”

The princess and her motorized en­tourage continued on, keeping a meeting at the Royal Palace with King Norodom Sihanouk.

She will be traveling today to the vendor’s home province, but her schedule only lists a visit to the temples of Angkor.


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