‘I Am Not Afraid’ of New Party Alliance, Prime Minister States

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Tuesday warned the opposition’s newly formed “Democratic Move­­ment for Change” that he could sunder the alliance whenever he wishes.

The movement was formed last week between the Sam Rainsy Party and the Human Rights party in a bid to join forces against Hun Sen’s CPP in the 2012 commune and 2013 national elections.

“The alliance—I want to inform you that one-third of the alliance’s members are [CPP]—your all­iance will be split. It will be split on what day that I wish to. I would like to inform you. I am not afraid of your alliance,” Hun Sen said while speaking at an inauguration of a new city hall building in Oddor Meanchey province.

The prime minister also ac­cused HRP President Kem Sokha of hypocrisy in his criticisms of the ruling party and the government.

“He talked with me when he worked in the NGOs. He was asking people for money. He told me that he didn’t have money [and that] he wanted to collect money before forming a party,” Hun Sen said.

“Now he advises me not to beg for donors’ money. He established an NGO. He asked for money from NGOs. You are stupid,” he said.

The prime minister also threatened to reveal past telephone conversation with Kem Sokha as evidence that he helped establish the HRP, and claimed that he dispatched former SRP lawmaker Keo Remy to be the HRP’s dep­uty president in order to help establish the party.

“I helped you to establish the party. You are not independent,” Hun Sen said.

Keo Remy, who defected from the HRP to the CPP in late 2008 and is now a government adviser, could not be reached by telephone on Wednesday.

SRP President Sam Rainsy responded Wednesday by saying that Hun Sen’s comments dem­on­strate that he is afraid of the new alliance.

“They are interested in the movement, they are concerned,” Sam Rainsy said by telephone.

“No one can touch us,” he said. “They are concerned. The CPP wanted to create problems. This is a political strategy. We don’t jump by his word.”

Kem Sokha also dismissed Hun Sen’s claims.

“This is his habit. It is not about what people say about the al­liance, it is up to our stance.”

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