Hundreds Turn Out to Remember Chea Vichea

At least 600 factory workers, politicians, relatives and friends of the late union leader Chea Vichea turned out Saturday for a ceremony marking 100 days since he was shot dead at a Phnom Penh newsstand.

Rong Chhun, president of the Cam­bodian Independent Teach­ers’ Association, said hundreds more were expected at the Free Trade Union of Workers of the Kingdom of Cambodia headquarters, where the ceremony was held, but many people went to their home provinces for the Khmer New Year. Some at the ceremony voiced frustration with the authorities, saying police had arrested the wrong suspects.

“I am desperate,” Rong Chhun said. He said the government and the authorities have not worked hard enough to catch Chea Vi­chea’s killers, thereby implicating themselves in the crime.

“If the government wasn’t involved, the government would find the killers,” Rong Chhun said.

Two suspects were arrested in January for the killing, but holes in the police investigation have caused considerable skepticism about their guilt.

In March, the cyclo driver, whom Municipal Deputy Police Chief Heng Pov named as his principal witness, denied having clearly seen the shooter’s face.

Shown a photograph of Born Samnang, who police named as the triggerman, the cyclo driver said, “It’s not the same guy.”

“This is the artificial killer as proven by Judge Hing Thirith,” Rong Chhun said.

The Supreme Council of Mag­istracy, Cambodia’s highest legal body, called for the dismissal of Hing Thirith after he dropped charg­es against the suspects, citing a lack of evidence.

Chea Vichea’s brother, Chea Mony, called on the authorities to look for other suspects.

He said that the Free Trade Union will hold a congress after Khmer New Year to select his brother’s successor. Chea Mony added that he would run for the post.

The ceremony was attended by Funcinpec’s Minister of Women’s Affairs Mu Sochua, Sam Rain­sy Party Secretary-General Eng Chhay Eang and other opposition parliamentarians.


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