City Bans Some Taxis To Help Traffic; Riders To Take the Bus

The municipality will no longer allow taxis from northern provinces to enter Phnom Penh. The taxis will in­stead have to stop at a market several kilometers outside the city on Road 6A and transfer their passengers to buses for the ride into the capital.

City officials say it will help cut down on traffic in Phnom Penh, beautify the city by reducing the number of cars parked at curbsides and ease congestion around Phsar Thmei, where hundreds of taxis now park.

Taxi drivers and vendors from the provinces who use their services have responded to the city’s plan with distress. They say the new requirements will leave them with no money.

“If they transfer from one taxi to another, the drivers will ask me to pay more money,” said Meas Ith, a 32-year-old vendor from Kompong Cham who comes into the city to sell fish.

Right now she makes about 3,000 riel per day. But under the city’s new plan, she said she may lose a third of that.

The new parking area for taxis traveling from northern pro­vinces will be Prek Leap market, along Road 6A. Tan Thong, the market’s manager, said there is parking for more than 500 taxis.

The taxis will be required to pay 2,000 to 3,000 riel for parking. Passengers will move to buses that will take them into the capital for between 500 and 800 riel. The buses will be operated by Ho Wah Genting Transport Co.

Prek Leap market officials will also begin monitoring how many people are traveling in taxis headed back to the provinces. Cars will be allowed to carry five people and vans can carry 15. Tan Thong said it is a safety precaution. Taxi drivers claim the measure will cut drastically into their profits.

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