Police Say Man Stabbed Friend Over $10

A man allegedly stabbed and killed his friend in Kandal province on Sunday after the victim refused to lend him money, police said Wednesday.

Ly Kim Srun, 26, asked to borrow $10 from Thy Sam Ath, 19, after the pair had spent the evening drinking palm wine at the victim’s house in Takhmao City, said Huy Sokha, Takhmao commune police chief.

“Before the incident, the victim and the suspect were drinking palm wine. After they got drunk, Mr. Kim Srun, nicknamed Chuk, asked to borrow $10 from his close friend but the victim refused,” said Mr. Sokha.

Angry at being rebuffed, Mr. Kim Srun, who is unemployed, ran to his home about 100 meters away where he grabbed a knife and returned to stab his friend, a construction worker, before fleeing, Mr. Sokha said.

“The suspect used a knife to stab the victim in the back of the neck, seriously injuring him before the suspect escaped,” said Mr. Sokha.

The victim was eventually brought to Calmette hospital in Phnom Penh, where he died from his injuries on Tuesday.

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