Family Seek Police Protection After Acid Attack, Accuse Official

The family of an acid attack victim has asked for police protection, saying the violence resulted from a lover’s quarrel with a senior official who remains a threat, police and family members said Friday.

Unidentified male assailants doused 35-year-old Ya Soknim with acid on Tuesday in Chamkar Mon district, causing severe burns to her face, ears, eyes and chest.

Ya Sokyet, the younger sister of the victim, said on Friday that a member of her immediate family had a longstanding relationship with a senior official but that it ended on bad terms in April.

The official, Ya Sokyet said, accused the family of keeping the two apart after the breakup.

“[The official] threatened that there would be a sea of the whole family’s blood,” Ya Sokyet said by telephone. “[The official] searched all of our houses,” she added. “My family is now scared.”

Oung Vibol, 42, husband of Ya Soknim said Friday the acid burns to his wife’s face were worsening and the family is planning to send her for treatment in Thailand or Vietnam.

Chamkar Mon district police chief Ouch Sokhon said Friday that police would be filing reports on the family’s statement with the Phnom Penh Municipal Court.

Municipal Police Chief Touch Naruth said police are now protecting the victim and her family.

Touch Naruth, however, said that other than the family’s allegations against the official there was as yet no evidence to substantiate their claims.

“The family said so but we must have evidence,” he said.


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