$1,000 To Be Spent Repairing Joyride Damage

Phnom Penh Municipality hired 30 workers and allocated a $1,000 budget to repair a section of lawn and a flower bed in Hun Sen Park that was allegedly crushed by Cam­bodian-American lawyer David Chanaiwa’s vehicular foray through the gardens around 2 am on Sat­urday morning, officials said.

Chanaiwa, 33, was scheduled to spend his incarceration at PJ Prison but was transferred at the last minute to Prey Sar prison, where he remained jailed Thursday.

“I can tell nothing now because my client is under investigation by the court,” Chanaiwa’s lawyer Sann Chuoy said Thursday. Lawyer Kim You said that several other attorneys had requested to represent Chanaiwa.

Kim You claimed that Chan­aiwa’s arrest did not follow proper procedures. “He was arrested without a court arrest warrant. If we talk about the judicial way, police must have a warrant from the court,” Kim You said.

Sam Samuth, chief of the municipality’s gardens, said $1,000 was budgeted to rebeautify the park.

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