U.S. Man Arrested, Faces Deportation on Child Sex Abuse Charges

William David Brenner, 63, from Houston, Texas was detained in Preah Sihanouk province.

Phnom Penh – Police have arrested a suspected pedophile who fled the United States over alleged child sexual abuse and will deport the suspect after a request was made by the U.S. Embassy.

William David Brenner was detained in Preah Sihanouk province on Wednesday night, according to Ouk Hai Seila, director of the immigration department’s compliance division.

“He is involved in criminal offenses in the United States and he escaped. And with a request from the US Embassy, the RSO, Regional Security Office at the Embassy, has asked the General Department of Immigration to find and detain him then send him back to the United States to be punished there,” Hai Seila said.

Read the full story: https://www.voacambodia.com/a/us-man-arrested-faces-deportation-on-child-sex-abuse-charges/4552562.html

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