Demobilization Plan Suggested

A South Korean delegation met Sunday with Prime Minister Hun Sen and suggested a possible investment program that could help demobilized soldiers be­come cassava farmers.

No official plans have been made and no money has been al­located, but Chan Tong Yves, secretary of state for the Ministry of Agriculture, supported the idea and said he believed South Korea could find a market for cassava, a starchy root vegetable.

General Meas Sophea, deputy com­mander-in-chief of RCAF, said he welcomes any private company that can provide em­ploy­ment for soldiers.

“I think many soldiers are most­ly just waiting for jobs,” Meas Sophea said. He added that the government is also trying to find jobs for demobilized soldiers, and that some have found em­ployment as guards at private houses, while others have started farming.


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