Nike, Ramatax Group urged to compensate Cambodia garment workers

Non-profits Human Rights Watch and Clean Clothes Campaign are calling on US sportswear giant Nike and its supplier Ramatex Group to pay $1.4m in severance to Cambodian garment workers following a factory closure in 2020.

More than 50 organisations advocating for workers’ rights shared a joint letter last week (20 July) petitioning Nike to compensate the 1,284 garment workers from Cambodia’s former Violet Apparel factory, which closed in 2020.

The letter suggests the mainly female and long-serving workforce had suffered significant hardship due to the inaction of Ramatex and the failure of Nike and other Ramatex buyers to address rights abuses.

Meanwhile a report published by the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC) last month estimates the Ramatex Group, which terminated the garment workers in June 2020, owes them about $1.4m in total on the basis of a problematic decision by Cambodia’s Arbitration Council.

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