Flowery Send-Off For Hun Sen

Despite the early hour, Prime Minister Hun Sen was treated to a stately send off Tuesday as he left the country to attend the Consultative Group meeting in Tokyo, which will take place Thursday and Friday.

Hun Sen arrived at Pochen­tong Airport via helicopter and was surrounded by journalists, onlookers and well-wishers bearing flowers as he walked the red carpet to the Royal Air Cam­bodge plane’s stairs. At the top, he turned to the crowd to give a triumphant, two-handed wave before boarding the charter flight, which departed at 5:15 a.m.

Other members of the delegation included Foreign Minister Hor Nam Hong, Finance Mini­ster Keat Chhon, Minister of the Council of Ministers Sok An, Minister of Health Hong Sun Huot, Minister of Public Works and Transport Khy Taing Lim, and Women’s Affairs Minister Mu Sochua.

Cambodia’s prime minister, who arrived safely in Japan’s capital city Tuesday afternoon, also will meet with Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi before returning Sunday.


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