A Khmer killer stalks the world

New in the expat crime-fiction library, an intriguing serial-murder mystery, but too much detail might result in death by suffocation.

7a21dc49f547d8b8dded8f98fe4f270bCambodia-based writer Steven W Palmer has just recently released a remarkably elaborate crime yarn that mingles historical fiction with police procedural. It contrasts the gleaming-chrome, gung-ho bustle of modern Phnom Penh with the horrifically evil, soul-darkening four-year horror of the Khmer Rouge era – which began with that same capital being so ominously and systematically emptied of all inhabitants.

The juxtaposition has tremendous potential for a work of absolutely stunning storytelling, but unfortunately, “Angkor Cloth Angkor Gold” has overreached and lags behind expectations.

In full: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/lifestyle/30364224

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