Court Questions 2 Soldiers Over Drug Haul

Two RCAF soldiers appeared in Kompong Cham provincial court Thursday on charges of smug­gling amphetamine pills, po­lice said.

The pair reportedly confessed to transporting the 6,000 pills seized during their arrest Tues­day, but claimed they were only act­ing as middlemen for a more powerful distributor.

“I acknowledge that the two have no ability to buy drugs with their own money. [I assume] They were em­ployed by other people having large amounts of money,” said Chou Pi Chhoura, chief of Stung Treng provincial penal police.

Sun Chan, 31, and Pheap Sok­ha, 23, of Stung Treng province’s RCAF Battalion 101 at the Laos-Cam­bodia border, were arrested Tues­day afternoon at a Kompong Cham district port. Stung Treng pro­vincial police assisted in the arrest.

The suspects said this was the second time they had ferried drugs between an undisclosed wholesaler and buyer for a small fee, said Kompong Cham deputy pro­vincial police chief Seng


On a previous occasion, they de­livered 12,000 pills in Stung Treng province, Seng Sokim said. They would not disclose how much they were paid for either mission, he added.

The two suspects are currently held in Kompong Cham provincial jail.

Police believe at least three more people are involved in the case, Seng Sokim said. He would not reveal the names or nationalities of any other suspects.

Chou Pi Chhoura said he wants Kompong Cham police to pass the case to the National Drug Authority in Phnom Penh, say­ing further investigation of the case could implicate high-ranking officials.



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