Rise and fall of Cambodian refugee ‘Donut King’ charted in award-winning film

Filmmaker Alice Gu is a self-professed foodie – but she found herself genuinely stumped when her son’s nanny told her about a particular confection two years ago.

“I had never heard of these ‘Cambodian doughnuts’ … and when I tried them it was an out-of-body experience.” It was delicious, she says, even though “it was just a glazed doughnut”.

When Gu searched for the snack online, she came across a Cambodian refugee named Ted Bun Tek Ngoy who had once owned a huge chain of doughnut shops across the US state of California. She then “literally devoured everything” about Ngoy, aka “The Donut King”.

In full: https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/entertainment/article/3078243/rise-and-fall-cambodian-refugee-donut-king-charted-award

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