Why Cambodia Matters to the U.S.-China Rivalry

Sam Rainsy is the interim leader of the Cambodia National Rescue Party, the main opposition party that was banned from standing in the 2018 Cambodian General Election. He lives in exile in Paris.

Little could be more symbolic of the power struggle playing out in Southeast Asia than what is happening on the outskirts of Ream National Park, in southern Cambodia. China is building a naval base on the site of a former U.S.-built military facility, and appears to be settling in for the long haul.

Vessels of the People’s Liberation Army have been docked in the area for months, and the two countries have conducted a series of substantial “Golden Dragon” joint military exercises from the nearby Sihanoukville Autonomous Port. China used the opportunity to showcase their army of “robodogs”—four-legged robots with rifles mounted on their backs—to the world’s media. These drills first began in 2016, shortly after Cambodia canceled joint exercises with the United States.

In full: https://time.com/6990154/china-cambodia-ream-naval-base-2/

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