When a Unionist Took Her Grievances Online, Police Came Knocking

At Kampong Speu province’s Superl garment factory, Soy Sros does not just make handbags for international buyers. She has led her union branch for years, speaking up for members and tracking working conditions and labor violations on behalf of the 700 unionized workers at Superl, about half of the factory’s total employees.

So when managers posted a list of names of 88 workers who wouldn’t have their contracts renewed after the end of March due to dwindling handbag orders during the pandemic-driven economic slowdown, and all of them were members of her union, Sros made a serious effort to speak with factory management.

She said she spent the entire day of March 31 trying to talk to a human resources manager about the job losses, and when the administrator refused to talk, she took to Facebook that evening out of frustration.

In full: https://vodenglish.news/when-a-unionist-took-her-grievances-online-police-came-knocking/

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