Two Heads Better Than One?

Hordes of believers have de­scended upon a Kompong Cham province home in the past week to pay their respects to the corpse of a two-headed calf, local police said Monday.

Plans are under way to relocate the calf—which died 20 minutes after its birth last week and is currently preserved in a jar of fluid—to a pagoda in Kompong Cham provincial town to accommodate the pilgrims, said Yit Yoeun, po­lice chief of Koh Sotin district.

“Visitors pray for luck and they give charity” donations to the cow’s owner, Yit Yoeun said.

The cow is particularly popular among students, who believe that its additional head has endowed the animal with the power to improve their studies, according to a report from Deutsche Presse-Agentur.


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