The Ruling CPP by No Means a Communist Party as Implied

I have noted with disappointment that The Cambodia Daily, under the title “Government Spokesman Says Kem Sokha Is a Communist” (April 24), wrote, “Keo Remy said the outwardly pro-poor political rhetoric espoused by Mr. Sokha’s opposition party makes him more communist than the CPP.”

Actually, if you go to the transcript of the video, I said, “Inciting the poor to hate the rich and business owners is a communist ideology; setting the price is communist.” I had not said anything as quoted.

There is a big difference between a quote of what I said in the video and The Cambodia Daily’s own opinion. This is the distortion of the fact and truth. This is very unprofessional. Intentional or not, The Cambodia Daily has implied that I have acknowledged that the CPP is a communist organization, which is untrue and vicious beyond common sense.

Keo Remy, spokesman, Council of Ministers’ Press and Quick Reaction Unit

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