Students Take Exam on KR Trial To Earn Internship

Fifty undergraduate university students sat a two-hour exam on the Khmer Rouge tribunal in Phnom Penh on Sunday morning, according to Youk Chhang, director of the Documentation Center of Cambo­dia.

The group were the last of 400 hoping to participate in DC-Cam’s three-month summer program, during which selected candidates will be trained to collect legal complaints from survivors of the Pol Pot regime, he said.

“The students should have the opportunity to learn from the survivors and participate in the process at the grassroots level,” Youk Chhang said.

Through multiple-choice and specific questions, the exam tested students on subjects such as the tribunal’s founding law as amended in 2004 and the basic functions of the court’s different offices.

Youk Chhang said the roughly 200 students expected to pass the exam would receive a month’s train­ing on how to collect information from survivors in the their home villages.

“Then they’re basically on their own, with the victims face to face,” he said, adding that students with the highest grades will also be nominated for internships at the Khmer Rouge tribunal.

Men Picehtr, 20, a third-year tour­ism student at the National Institute of Management, said he hoped to do the summer program for the experience, to learn about the Khmer Rouge and also as a public service.

“It wasn’t hard,” he said of the exam. “I’ve read a lot of similar documents.”



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