Rapper unrepentant after release from Cambodian prison

Government upset after UN rapporteurs call for the release of an autistic teenager.

Rapper Kea Sokun, whose controversial lyrics and songs were critical of the Cambodian government, has been granted early release from prison after spending almost a year behind bars for an incitement conviction.

“Going back, I would not have said sorry,” the 23-year-old told Voice of Democracy through a translator after his release. “Because I believe that I did not do [incitement] like what they said.”

One offending song has garnered more than 4.2 million views on YouTube and under Cambodian law warranted an 18-month jail term, minus time already served. One of his songs is titled I’m opposed to the dictator.

In full: https://www.ucanews.com/news/rapper-unrepentant-after-release-from-cambodian-prison/94004#

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