Rainsy Return Set for Tuesday

Sam Rainsy will return from Paris on Tuesday despite concerns about his safety, a spokes­man for his party said Thursday.

The top opposition politician has been abroad for two months.

Sam Rainsy does not feel “100 percent” safe, said Ou Bunlong, an adviser to the Sam Rainsy Party, but “he said, it is good for the national interest, so he decided to come back.”

King Norodom Sihanouk thanked Hun Sen on Thursday  for guaranteeing the security of Sam Rainsy and his party members while speaking from Beijing on Bayon Radio. “I would like to thank you for your new confirmation about the security, safety and freedom of Sam Rainsy and that of his assembly members,” the monarch said.

The Sam Rainsy Party will hold a welcome party for its president  Tuesday at 10 am before the Na­tional As­sem­bly—the site of un­successful “Democ­racy Square” election protests in September.


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