Prosecutor Accuses Teen Of Seduction

Ratanakkiri’s provincial court pro­secutor on Wednesday ac­cused a 15-year-old convict at the provincial prison of trying to se­duce a guard who she has alleged threatened to shoot her after she re­fused his sexual advances. 

Prosecutor Mey Sokhan said he visited the convict and staff at the pri­son on Wednesday, though he ad­ded that the girl was reluctant to discuss the case.

“She wore a sarong improperly to make [prison guard] Ba Visai feel passion toward her, and he talked improperly to her about love, but it is impossible because one is the prisoner and one is the guard,” Mey Sokhan said.

Toet Sokheng, the girl’s mother, said she was informed by a prison of­ficial Wednesday that three changes of clothes confiscated af­ter her daughter complained to rights group Ad­hoc about the guard’s amorous advance and threat have been re­turned to her, though the prison has not yet re­turned her coat.

“I want them to let her have a coat, because it is cold in Ratanak­kiri,” Toet Sokheng said. “I don’t know how to get it back.”

Pen Bonnar, Adhoc provincial coordinator, said the clothes were re­turned after the UN Center for Human Rights contacted Prison Chief Ngin Nel on Tuesday to ex­press its concern about the case.

“UN human rights called the prison director,” he said. “I think the prison director fears about this.”

Pen Bonnar said he was optimistic that the call will deter pri­son staff from playing pornographic films loudly within ear­shot of the female prisoner, which she alleged was occurring in a letter obtained Tuesday.

“I think the prison officials don’t dare to [show] the videos,” following the call from the UN agency, Pen Bonnar said.

Deputy Prison Chief Voeun Savon denied that prison staff confiscated clothes from the girl, and said pornography has not been played in the jail.

He also denied allegations by the girl that prison staff have deprived her of food, saying she has a small appetite.

“We try to do good for her, but she still tries to make problems for us,” he said.

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