Pregnancies Prove Among Top Challenges for Health Officials

Improving the health of pregnant women remains one of Cam­bodia’s biggest health challenges, a top government official said Tuesday.

Minister of Health Chhea Thang said an estimated 2,000 Cambodian women die each year due to complications in their pregnancies and 20,000 more are at risk of disability.

If the mother’s health is affected, the family, the society and the nation is affected as well,” the minister said.

Chhea Thang’s comments came at a ceremony in Phnom Penh marking the annual World Health Day and the 50th anniversary of the World Health Org­anization. About 200 people attended, including 170 midwives from several provinces.

In December, the ministry adopted a “Safe Motherhood” public health strategy, with support from the WHO and the UN Fund for Population Activities.

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