And Also: Nuptial Noodles Nag Party Poopers

Nearly 300 people simultaneously developed a bout of diarrhea and vomiting, while a pregnant woman was induced to give birth to twins, after eating homemade noodles at an engagement ceremony in Kompong Thom province Sunday.

Villagers attended the party at about 11 a.m., Prasat commune police chief Soeung Phea said, adding that the menu contained only one item—tainted noodles.

“The people went home, and [suffered] diarrhea and vomiting at about 9 or 10 p.m.,” Mr. Phea said. “On Monday, some went to the hospital and nearby clinics.”

Seven of the 283 people who visited clinics were pregnant women. One, carrying twins, was so weak a cesarean section was needed, he said.

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