Kem Sokha Says 2018 Election Will Bring Stability

Deputy opposition leader Kem Sokha used a public forum in Tbong Khmum province on Sunday to promise that the CNRP will accept the results of the 2018 national election—so long as the ballot is fair. Speaking to supporters in Suong City, Mr. Sokha began by pledging that any future CNRP government would not seek vengeance against the CPP.

“We will not have revenge or retaliation against anyone. We will not consider other Khmers to be the enemy,” he said. “We will have national unity. National unity is very important.” Mr. Sokha then said he would be prepared to accept a victory by the ruling CPP, if it comes from a fair election.

“Whoever wins, let them win. Whoever loses, let them lose,” he said.

“A free and fair election is the necessary factor that makes for political stability, peace and real development.”

The CNRP rejected the results of the 2013 election, leading to a year of protests and eventually to a deal with the CPP to reform the country’s election body before commune elections due in 2017 and the national vote in 2018.

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