‘Hell All Over Again’: The Frontline of an Expanding Human Trafficking Crisis

Despite Cambodian police crackdowns, evidence suggests the criminal syndicates are expanding to Myanmar, the Philippines, and even as far afield as Dubai.

It was 4 AM as the bus full of trafficking victims hurtled down a dark road in Cambodia. Those inside didn’t know where they were being taken that night, only that they were being sold again.

Chatri stared out the window at the unfamiliar landscape, trapped in a country that wasn’t his. He was with some two dozen people like himself—mostly Thai nationals, in their teens and early 20s.

The 16-year-old was attempting to figure out where they were when he noticed a gleam of lights ahead. He didn’t know it at the time, but they were the casinos of Poipet—a shadowy Cambodian town on the border with Thailand known for gambling, crime, and increasingly, human trafficking.

In full: https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjvpx5/thai-rescue-trafficking-cambodia

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