Gambling Parlor Grenade Attack Injures 3

Two men were arrested on Saturday, accused of injuring three people by throwing a handmade grenade into a video gambling parlor in Banteay Mean­chey province’s Poipet commune, police said Sunday.

Nuth Ly, police chief of O’Chrou district, said that at about 8:40 pm on Friday, three people were injured inside the parlor. Two victims were identified: Chi Veit, a 35-year-old man, and Ngu­yen Thi Vain, a 25-year-old wo­man. No name was given for a third, a 45-year-old man.

All were critically injured by the bomb, which was made from a plastic bottle and chemical fertilizer, Nuth Ly said. He said the attack stemmed from a personal dispute with the video gaming-house’s owner.

“There are three grenade attackers. Now our police have arrested two men and another is still at large,” Nuth Ly said.

During their investigation, Nuth Ly said that police cracked down on suspected youth gangs in Poipet on Saturday morning and arrested 52 men.

All 52 were released with no links to the attack.

But Nuth Ly said: “If they commit something, they will be punished.”


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