F’pec Officials Discuss Delay in Appointments

During a closed-door meeting Sunday, Funcinpec officials discussed why appointments to government positions promised by the CPP have been delayed for almost a month.

But they did not appear to find any solutions.

“I don’t know,” said Prince Nor­o­dom Sirivudh, Funcinpec secretary general and co-minister of In­terior, when asked what was causing the delay.

On April 26, National Assembly President Prince Norodom Ranar­iddh requested the appointment of 535 Funcinpec officials to government positions to solidify his party’s ties to the CPP. Prime Minister Hun Sen promised him ap­point­ments and set a June 15 deadline for them.

Prince Sirivudh, in a letter to Fun­cinpec officials dated June 21, in­quired about the delays and asked for an explanation. In a letter dated July 7 to party officials, he said that only 12 ministries had re­plied to the earlier letter.

Despite having convened the meeting Sunday, Prince Sirivudh re­ferred all questions about it to Chea Chanboribo, chairman of Funcinpec’s Information Committee.

Chea Chanboribo denied the de­lays were a result of political considerations. He said delays occur be­cause ma­ny appointees have to be switched from one ministry to ano­ther and be­­cause each ap­pointee’s background and qualifications must be carefully scrutinized.

Kem Sokha, former deputy general of Funcinpec and director of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, suggested that the royalists may have received a raw deal. He suggested that Funcinpec had little bargaining room if the delay was a result of politics.

“Funcinpec has no choice,” he said. “They don’t have power, they don’t have money, they don’t have support. They need the CPP to help them.”

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