Flooding Forces More Than Sixty Families From Homes

More than 60 families have been evacuated from 11 villages in Tbong Khmum province, following flooding of the Mekong, local officials said Friday.

Rising water levels in the Mekong on Thursday and Friday sent 63 families from three communes in Tbong Khmum district seeking higher ground, said district government Keng Bunna.

“This year the water level has risen early and we are concerned it will continue to rise for the next three to four days,” he said.

Almost 200 hectares of farmland and 3.4 meters of road were damaged by the flooding. Additionally, an estimated 30 children contracted dengue fever, but have since improved, said Mr. Bunna.

Provincial governor Prach Chan said the authorities were continuing to set up safe areas for villagers who may be affected by the floods.

According to an announcement issued Thursday by the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology, emergency flood levels could be reached between August 2 and 4.

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