Fact Sheet: Cambodian Government Routinely Infringes on Right of Assembly

Cambodian authorities routinely infringe on the people’s right to assembly, especially in protests about land disputes, according to a fact sheet released this month by the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR).

The Phnom Penh-based nonprofit NGO cited Cambodia’s constitution and international human rights law in the factsheet, saying both guarantee the right to peaceful assembly, but that in practice, these rights are not guaranteed.

“This is particularly true in relation to land disputes, where authorities often preclude people from protesting, use disproportionate force towards the protesters, or subsequently punish them for having protested,” said the CCHR in the fact sheet.

In full: https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/cchr-fact-sheet-freedom-of-assembly-08272019163234.html

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