Ex-Court Director on Trial for Embezzlement

Ang Mealaktei, the disgraced former director of the Phnom Penh Municipal Court, has checked out of a private medical clinic and will appear before the Kandal Provin­cial Court today for the start of his trial on embezzlement charges, of­ficials said.

Mr. Mealaktei stands accused of unlawfully gifting his son—a deputy district police chief in Phnom Penh—an Audi SUV that was confiscated from a convicted drug dealer during his ten­ure as the municipal court’s top judge.

He was arrested by the Anti-Corruption Unit in August, and reportedly transferred from the Kandal Provincial Prison to the Khema Clinic in Phnom Penh to re­ceive treatment for hemorrhoids —although a receptionist told re­porters earlier this months that his name was not on the register.

“I or­dered him to leave hospital a few days ago to join the hearing,” pro­vincial prosecutor Lim So­kuntha said on Wednesday.

“The court will try him tomorrow.”

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