Cool Weather Could Raise Health Risks

As a spate of unseasonably cool weather continued Wednesday, health experts recommended extra precautions to prevent cold-related health problems.

“Generally when extremely cold weather comes, people have all kinds of different symptoms,” said Dr Yith Sunarong, chief of the Calmette Hospital’s technical bureau. “Respiratory problems among others are main symptoms.”

Typical problems related to cooler weather include cough, fever, headache, sore eyes, sore throat and nasal irritation, he said.

Doctors said Wednesday there have been no statistics to show that more people are getting sick as a result of the cold weather.

However, some pharmacies in Phnom Penh reported an in­crease in customers in the past week.

“We have seen many customers with headache, toothache and other symptoms since the weather changed. But seven out of 10 customers blame breathing problems,” said an owner of a pharmacy on Monivong Boule­vard. “We didn’t see so many customers who had respiratory problems last year.”

The owner recommended that people with respiratory problems soak their feet in warm water.

Yith Sunarong said people who have ongoing health problems should take extra precautions.

“The cold weather like this could let people easily get tuberculosis and asthma. If you have severe health problems, go to a doctor immediately,” he said.

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