Commerce Minister Plans to Brand Cambodia

Commerce Minister Sun Chanthol on Friday announced proposals to boost Cambodia’s international brand and urged citizens and the private sector to help fight corruption.

Speaking at the Global Alumni Convention at the InterContinental Hotel in Phnom Penh, Mr. Chanthol said the government planned to make Cambodian specialties such as Kampot pepper and Kompong Speu palm sugar internationally recognized through branding—in addition to the country’s “Extra Premium” jas­mine rice, for which he proposed the name of “Angkor Rumduol.”

Mr. Chanthol also announ­ced a “Made in Cambodia” initiative to be launched this year, aiming to highlight the quality of selected Cambodian products through labeling.

In order to enhance confidence in Cambodia’s brand image, Mr. Chanthol urged citizens and the private sector to be “law-abiding citizens.”

“How can we expect investors to invest when we don’t respect the law?” he said.

While expressing disappointment at Cambodia’s recent poor ranking for perceived state corruption by Transparency International, Mr. Chanthol said the private sector must also take more responsibility.

“It takes two to tango. No bribe offered, no bribe taken,” he said.

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