CMAC Autonomy Forecast

Canadian advisers to the Cam­bodian Mine Action Center said they’ve moved a small step closer to working themselves out of a job.

They gathered with top officials from the national mine removal group at Hotel Inter-Continental on Friday, to honor 26 CMAC mid-level supervisors who have just completed a Wes­tern-style management course.

The 10-day course—administered by instructors from the Canadian Forces Management Development School—is part of the ongoing effort by western nations and aid organizations to build infrastructure and provide training that will allow CMAC to become completely autonomous.

The course touched on topics ranging from conflict management techniques to how best to delegate authority and conduct effective meetings.

At the ceremony, Canadian Ambassador Gordon Longmuir predicted CMAC will be “solidly self-sustaining” in the “not so distant future.”

Funding for the course was provided by the Canadian Inter­national Development Agency.

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