Clerk Accused of Blackmailing Gov’t Official

A Kandal provincial court clerk was arrested Friday, accused of extorting money from Ministry of Water Resources and Meteoro­logy Secretary of State Chea Rotha, the recent subject of bri­bery charges and an alleged as­sas­sination attempt, police said Sunday.

Chea Bunleang was arrested after Chea Rotha complained that he extorted $2,000 from her to drop a warrant for her arrest, Phnom Penh municipal penal police Chief Chuon Naren said.

“We have a recording of the voice of the court clerk threatening to extort money from Chea Rotha, and we confiscated $2,000 from the court clerk’s hands on Friday of last week,” he said.

Kandal provincial court had issued Chea Rotha’s arrest warrant on charges that she accepted bribes from a businessman to secure his access to a fishing lot.

Chea Bunleang said last week the court would drop the case if Chea Rotha agreed to pay $9,500, the amount she is accused of taking.

The court issued a notice to in­validate the warrant on Wednes­day, after realizing Chea Rotha was in a government-protected position and immune to prosecution, said Chheng Phat, chief provincial prosecutor.

He also said: “I was disappointed with the case, because they had a plan to arrest our court clerk…. Our court clerk was tricked by [Chea Rotha], but I hope this case will be solved by Phnom Penh Chief Prosecutor Ouk Sa­vuth.”

Ouk Savuth said Chea Bun­leang, who is still in police custody, is scheduled to appear in court today.

Two men were arrested earlier this month for their alleged roles in a plot to kill Chea Rotha over a business dispute, in what police said was an unrelated case.

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