China to Boost Tourism Here Deal

More Chinese tourists are expected to visit Cambodia because of the signing of a deal between the two countries to promote package tours.

Tourism Minister Veng Serey­vuth, who led an eight-member delegation to Beijing, and his counterpart He Guan Wei, chairman of the Chinese National Tourism Admini­stration, last week signed a memorandum of understanding on boosting Chin­ese tourists to Cambodia, the minister said Monday.

According to the delegation, China selected Cambodia as the fifth “approved destination” in Asia for Chinese tourists. With the new deal, the Chinese Natio­nal Tourism Administration will appoint 66 travel agents to handle outbound package tours while Cambodia will select about 10 travel agents as their partners to receive such tourists. The deal also requires Cambodia to simpl­ify paperwork on tourist visas for Chinese. “It’s a major step for Cam­bodia’s tourism,” Veng Seryvuth said.

Jimmy Gao of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Cam­bodia said Monday that China sent four to five million tourists overseas last year and nearly one million visited Thailand. “Cam­bodia is ready to receive many tourists from the huge market,” he said.

The Tourism Ministry hopes the deal be finished by Decem­ber , expecting 200,000 to 300,000 Chinese to arrive annually.


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