Alleged Ringleader Charged in Killings, Thefts

A Siem Reap court has ar­raigned the alleged ringleader in a botched robbery during which which two gang members were accidentally killed by their accomplices.

You Sor, 32, of Chikreng district, Siem Reap province, was charged Tuesday with robbery, murder and leadership of the six-man gang that attempted to break into a home in Lveang R’sey commune, Chikreng district on April 6.

Police have identified the dead men as Jam Ja, 32, and Lim Ghon, 29, both from Stong district, Kompong Thom province.

The two men belonged to a gang that stole buffaloes and cows from Kompong Thom pro­vince villagers, said Chikreng district Police Chief Touch Kosal. They had been released from Kompong Thom jail two months before they were shot in the robbery, he said.

In their dying moments Jam Ja and Lim Ghon fingered You Sor to villagers who rushed to the scene, Touch Kosal said. You Sor was arrested without incident at his Pungrol Krom commune home on April 12.

The six men were approaching the home of shopowner Hut Chea, 35, when his dogs barked, awakening him, Touch Kosal said. Hut Chea jumped out the back door and fled, leaving his wife and children sleeping inside.

In the dark of night, one of the men opened fire, shooting six or seven bullets. They missed Hut Chea, but fatally struck the two men.


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